Indoor Gardening
Gardening Heavn will help you grow Indoor Houseplants, Microgreens, Hydroponics, Outdoor Vegetables and Outdoor Fruit Gardens.
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Shrouded in Shade: The Best Privacy Trees for Your Shady Yard Introduction
Privacy trees are an excellent addition when creating a private and serene outdoor space. Not only do they provide shade and privacy, but they also add beauty and value to your property. This article will explore the best privacy trees for shady areas and discuss their unique benefits. Importance of Privacy Trees in Shady Areas

African Gardenia Plant: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing and Caring for Mitriostigma axillare
This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about the African gardenia plant (Mitriostigma axillare), an exotic, fragrant evergreen shrub native to Africa. Discover the plant’s characteristics, ideal growing conditions, and the various aspects of African gardenia care, including watering, fertilization, pest management, and more. Learn how to propagate the plant through seeds, cuttings, or air layering, and explore its potential uses in landscaping. Finally, find answers to frequently asked questions about this stunning plant, ensuring its successful growth and maintenance in your garden or landscape.

Perlite vs Vermiculite: A Gardener’s Guide to Choosing the Right Soil Additive
In this comprehensive guide, we explore the differences between perlite and vermiculite, two popular soil additives used by gardeners to enhance their garden’s soil structure and quality. We delve into the unique properties of each, their specific uses, and how they can be combined or substituted to create the perfect growing environment for your plants. Additionally, we discuss alternative soil additives such as coconut coir, pumice, and rice hulls, and provide practical applications for using perlite and vermiculite in various gardening situations. The article also includes a detailed FAQ section and a table of contents for easy navigation. Equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions about using perlite and vermiculite, and help your plants thrive in the best possible conditions.

Bromeliad Soil Guide: Master the Art of Caring for Your Plants
Table of Contents Introduction to Bromeliads About Bromeliad Plants Types of Bromeliads: Epiphytic and Terrestrial Bromeliad Soil Requirements Creating the Perfect Bromeliad Potting Mix Potting Your Bromeliad Plant Watering and Fertilizing Bromeliads Preventing Root Rot Bromeliad Propagation and Care Frequently Asked Questions – Bromeliad Soil Introduction Bromeliads are unique, tropical plants that belong to the

How To Transplant Bromeliads
Bromeliads are flowering plants that are native to places with tropical or subtropical climates. Among the most common types of bromeliads are guzmania, aechmea, neoregelia, vriesea, and pineapple. People usually get a bromeliad plant to serve as a decorative element in their home. As the plant blooms, growers eventually have to learn how to transplant

How To Care For Orchids
Orchids are non-woody plants that have been globally cultivated for their beautiful flowers. Like all other houseplants, orchids need certain environmental conditions and other important inputs. Considering these, beginners find it difficult to keep the orchid alive. Read on as this guide will help you how to care for orchids properly. How to Identify Your

Who started Gardening Heavn?
Hi, my name is Jeena. I am a plant and gardening enthusiast. Growing indoor houseplants and outdoor veggies and fruits is a passion of mine. I have taken many courses and I have many years of experience growing and learning about plants. Plants of all kinds have made me happy from as early as I can remember. Let’s work on our green thumbs together!